Monday, 7 January 2013

Find yourself and set you free

Hey everyone, so its a new year! Welcome to 2013 ;). Thank you for hanging with me last year and now its a new year, let's hang some more! I hope that your new year has started off well. With the beginning of each year, I pen little tips I think is applicable (nope don't mean to bore you) and with the onset of each year we make "resolutions". This is one of the many lies I personally try not to feed myself, as not to give myself an illusion of change, but to be practical. Change should not be done when a new year begins but the  motivation to aspire to a better life should be ongoing. Making lists works in my favor, so yes I did make lists for this year. So if you have made those lists, go ahead and free yourself!

My mother always use to tell me, that people come in your life for reasons, seasons or a lifetime. From experiences, some seasons are long, some reasons are forever unknown, others come to the light and run their course and some end up being a lifetime lesson or a friend. The relationSHIP with your inner self, is a ship no one should abandon...this is most important. Never let that ship sink and learn how to be the captain, crew and passenger. In due time, when you have decided to dock, you will find a place/person to dock your ship. So with that said, I thought of a list -  here is the list and see how best you may also apply them to your list already made.


Lessening the charade
What can bleed you dry, is the needless habit to tolerate things that suck you dry of your energy and make it impossible for you to function effectively. Living a happy, successful and fulfilling life will not be possible; if you’re spending all your energy tolerating things that shouldn’t be tolerated. Sometimes, you need to just put your foot down. Here are some things to stop tolerating in your life:

1. Settling for mediocrity. – Starting over and creating something better, is better than trying to fix something that’s broken. Distancing yourself to see things clearly means growing up and setting yourself apart from old habits, relationships and situations. Finding something new that truly moves you – one that gets you so excited you can’t wait to get out of bed in the morning. That’s what life is all about. Don’t - Never settle.

2. Negative thinking of your own. – Your mind is a powerful and sacred space. You can either let light in or shut it off to darkness, it’s your choice. Think of your life this way - the sun is always shining on some part of your life, no matter how dreary it may sometime seem. What do you typically think about? Have you achieved any goals? How far have you come, or how far do you have to go? Are you comfortable where you are now, and have the faith that everything is in due time? What are your strengths, or your weaknesses? Will you accept the best that could happen, or the worst that might come to be? Most of it is attitude and make sure to pay attention to your self-talk. Because maybe, just maybe, the only thing that needs to shift in order for you to experience more happiness, more love, and more success, is your way of thinking. Take the time to read this book.

3. Negativity disguised as constructive criticism. – If you don’t love yourself, value yourself, look out for yourself and stick up for yourself - you are sabotaging yourself. In no way do you have control over others opinion of you or even what they say and do; but you do have control over whether or not you will allow them to say and do these things to you. Most times people feed of insecurities and sometimes in life circumstances can  make you think/feel that way. Make no mistake, you alone can deny their poisonous words and actions from invading your heart and mind. So if ever you have fallen and someone lends "constructive criticism" remember, if you do not respect your sacred inner space, no one else will either. Only you can motivate YOU. Never isolate yourself but be with positive people; remember, winners do what losers wont. Be that spark plug that people may need, you just never know what effect you may have someone.

4. Unhealthy relationships. – Choose your relationships/friendships wisely. Being alone will never cause as much loneliness as the wrong relationships. Surround yourself with people who know your worth. You don’t need tonnes of friends to be happy; its deeper not wider. What do I mean? It simply means it's not the amount of friends you have, it is the people closest in your life that matters. A few will appreciate you for who you are and for those who don't, it simple means move on. Oftentimes walking away has nothing to do with weakness, and everything to do with strength. Walking away does not make others realize your worth, but because you finally have realized your own worth.

5. Dishonesty. – Inner peace is so valuable! it is being able to rest at night knowing you haven’t taken advantage of anyone to get to where you are in life. Users come in various forms, but once you recognize them you always will know what to do. Integrity and self confidence will always reign, in any situation or class. Living a life of honesty creates peace of mind, and this is priceless. Period.  Never be dishonest and don’t put up with people who are.

6. Career choice or a work environment you're not comfortable in. – Never settle and if it doesn’t feel right, you need to pack up your bags and move...literally and mentally. Keep searching, there is nothing wrong with that. Most successful people stumble into "accidental" career choices, please note I said career. With the current economic climate, most have to stick to jobs but having a career is a defining moment. Eventually you will find work and end up doing something you LOVE. If you catch yourself working hard and loving every minute of it, don’t stop; you’re on to something big. Just remember hard work isn’t hard when you concentrate on your passions and also add being smart to the mix.

7. Being unprepared and being disorganized. – When the alarm goes off do not, I repeat do not hit the snooze button. This will only let your body shut down, as its a physiological task to jump up once the alarm goes off...But try not to hit the snooze some mornings and I guarantee you'll see the difference. Set your alarm at least 30 minutes earlier so you don’t have to rush around like a mad person. That 30 minutes will help you avoid speeding tickets, tardiness and other unnecessary headaches. Clear the clutter, get rid of stuff you don’t use. Read this book for some practical organizational guidance.

8. Being Stagnant – The acquisition of knowledge doesn’t mean you’re growing; growing happens when you have applied what you know to ensure changes in your life. Change does not happen by sitting back and thinking about it, how then will you see progress? Cycles can break and habits can die so the best time to start is now.

9. Procrastination. – Do you know what is stressful? the perpetual lingering of unfinished business. Stop procrastinating. Start consciously making the decision, to take action and tie loose ends. Putting something off instantly makes it harder and scarier. Fear is always of the unknown but don't worry, step out in can never go wrong.

10. Mulling over past mistakes and regrets. – If you feel like your ship is sinking, it might be a good time to throw out the stuff that’s been weighing it down. Just remember, all the water in an ocean cannot sink a ship, unless it gets inside...the pressures of life cannot hurt you unless you let them. The decision to have less of a cluttered life and cleaning up your space, begin with the things that are truly useless, like old regrets, shame, anger and people. Let it go. You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep rereading your previous one.

11. Financial wisdom. – Debt causes stress and heartache. Try to always live a comfortable life, not a wasteful one. Do not practice impulsive shopping, you will end up with things you do not need. Never spend to impress others, wealth is never measured in material objects. Manage your money wisely, so your money does not manage you and always live well below your means, until you can afford to. Read this book to help you nurture a financial mind.

12. Say what you need to say and mean it. – Live your life in absolute truth. Don't censor yourself, speak the truth – your truth – always. Sounds easy right? For some it may not be, as everyone has this little watchdog inside their head. It was born and raised by family, friends, coworkers and society at large and its sole purpose is to watch you and make sure you stay in line. It’s always there watching you. Once you have become accustomed to the watchdog’s presence, you begin to value it’s opinion and start to accept them as absolute truths. But they’re not truths; they’re just other people’s opinions. Remember, the watchdog is just a watchdog, it just watches...that's its job. It can’t actually control you unless you allow it to. When you decide to rise up and go against the grain, there is nothing it can do. No, shouting obscenities and acting like a fool does not equate to "real" or "making a point"...But you must say what you need to say, when you need to say it.  It may be your only chance to do so. Don’t censor yourself.  

I really hope this helped! Making lists is a biggie to me, as it allows you to have a routine. Nope, not to constrict or bore but to see what has been achieved. Try it sometime ;).
Have a great Monday!   

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