Monday, 17 September 2012

When you think you cant, see why you can

Hey everyone, this has got to be my all time favourite makeup artists and I don't know why I never shared her story before! if you have never heard about her, here goes:
Five years ago on Valentine's day Talia Joy Castelleno, was diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma and in early August of this year she revealed that she also has developed another type of cancer.
"I have preleukemia in my bone marrow",  Preleukemia, is now known as myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). MDS is a condition where stem cells in bone marrow do not mature into healthy blood cells, according to the National Institutes of Health. I first discovered her one night while browsing YouTube looking for cartoons...yes I said it....Tom and Jerry to be exact - has always been one of my source of comfort, when I needed to wind down. Going through the comments as sometimes subscribers offer links to other cool little videos to watch, one subscriber in particular posted a link to Talia' page. This exceptional 12-year-old girl, who is very articulate and with such timely educated wit, has serious makeup skills beyond her years! With her current condition that has left her with just four months to a year to live, she is very upbeat, bubbly, bright and exuberant and such a pleasure to watch. 

This tween girl, who sometimes refer to her viewers as "bro" and frequently uses the word "like"....has endured over five years of surgeries, radiation, chemotherapy, stem cell transplants, and blood transfusions. She gives you blow by blow details of exactly what it feels like to face a terrible disease and speaks with such a casual tone...that I for one forget that she has cancer! She has made me cry, giggle, laugh out and even question the usage of a primer on myself (something I'm yet to try), I am humbled to say being a professional makeup artist myself, I am never averse to learning new ideas (as there are no rules of thumb in application) and with her articulateness and knowledge, she makes it easier because she speaks from the heart and as the Bible says "A child shall lead them".

If you still don't know who this little wonder is...just know that she is now a mini haven read this article.
She wears her bald head "like" so well, that when you see her, you really don't see that she has no hair....her makeup does all the talking as she wears it like a "wig". Talia extols with such knowledge the benefits of makeup, false eyelashes and her other fun drugstore buys.  
This is not just another millennial YouTube celeb; she is a confident positive little girl, that makes you realize that whatever ish you think you are going could not begin to fathom going through her pain.
Her videos are great and fun to watch but she leads you to see life a little differently. Be amazed by her charming personality and her tenacity. Check out her channel.

Have a Happy Monday!

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